Why would a game that needs only 1 GB of storage need 8 GB OF Recomended RAM and 4 Gb of minimum RAM requirement?


Why would a game that needs only 1 GB of storage need 8 GB OF Recomended RAM and 4 Gb of minimum RAM requirement?

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8 Answers

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The 1GB is ROM storage. It’s just a place for the computer to find the programme without having to use disposable media like a risk or a stick. The RAM storage is what is needed to run the programme. 4 GB will run it at a basic level. Low graphics but ok frame rate for example where as the recommended RAM is what the software engineers want you to have so that it runs, in the sense of a game, at the best graphics and performance level.

True ELI5 building Lego. The 1GB would be the box the Lego came in. Not a big box particularly but that’s where all the parts and instructions are. The RAM would be space needed to unbox and open the instructions and place the individual bags inside the box in the right order to build the Lego.

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