Why would a thermal camera register a reflection as a heat source?


I was watching a clip from a livestream of a safari where they were showing off their thermal camera by filming a hyena in the dark. It was near water and it’s reflection in the water had a purple glow to it though not as bright as the actual body.

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I do thermal photography at work and you would think it’s easy, just aim and click.

If I’m taking a picture of an electrical panel and there is an overhead light behind me, I can see it’s reflection on the metal. If I am well lit and standing square to the metal, I can see my reflection.

When taking thermal pictures, any surface from a full sheen to full polish will act as a mirror. If a surface can reflect light, it can reflect thermal energy.

Infrared energy is basically light at a frequency shorter than our eyes can see. An IR camera takes the high frequency light and represents it at light frequencies that we can see on a video screen or as a picture.

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