Wisdom teeth extraction – couldn’t it be simpler?


If removing your wisdom teeth requires more extensive surgery/anaesthetics then why not just remove the molars in front of them to allow the wisdom teeth to come in?


4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mine didn’t, fortunately. They used a topical local anesthetic that was like a gel that they rubbed on my gums. About 10-15 minutes later when I was good and numb, he extracted them. It took literally one minute, because I asked since it felt like 30 seconds. I was sore for a few days but not bad. However, I was only born with my top wisdom teeth which I’m told are the easier ones to extract since you don’t risk cutting those nerves on the bottom ones. I know someone who lost feeling in part of her tongue after she got her bottoms out. That procedure for bottom extraction hopefully has room for improvement

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