With all the high technology development, why can’t bots check boxes that say “I am not a robot”?


With all the high technology development, why can’t bots check boxes that say “I am not a robot”?

In: 649

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To highlight what others are saying, those CAPTCHAS are checking a lot of things to verify that you are human. The most popular one, reCAPTCHA, doesn’t really tell you what it’s doing on the back end because having that information would help hackers to defeat it with bots. Granted, there are other ways they can be defeated, such as by using a scam website to “proxy” the CAPTCHA through to have a human solve it for them.

That said, some of the things they do look for is how your mouse has moved (or how your phone screen has been scrolled), recent browsing activity, how you have interacted with the page you’re looking at, and data stored in your browser cache. It tries to assign a “weight” to these values and, if what it see exceeds a certain threshold, the algorithm determines you to be human. If it does not, then it shows you the stop signs and school buses and stuff just to be extra sure.

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