with bushfires moving across much of Australian right now, how do fire fighters fight fires that seem beyond human control?


My family’s home (and many others) is almost surrounded by bushfires in NSW. How do the brave fire fighters control huge flames and fire storms? Can they control them? Or do they just have to run their course till there is nothing left to burn? I’d just like to understand it a little better. And if there are any fireys (fire fighters in Australia) reading this… thank you for all you do. You are incredibly brave.

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Once you realize it’s going to be too large to control with hoselays, one option is to do a burning operation. You pick a favorable place (usually a ridge with a good road on it) and set a fire at a time of the day when the wind is favorable, and let it burn toward the wildfire. When the main fire reaches the area that was burned, it has no fuel and there should be a pretty big break to where the embers can’t reach the unburied fuel to star spot fires.

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