With sharp increases to the price of goods and services, where’s all this extra money I’m spending going?


Don’t try to tell me my wages are sharply increasing either, because they’re not! Nor are my friends, family, or neighbors.

In: 113

40 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It goes to line the pockets of the people at the top. That is it. Simple. All other explanations are there to pacify you as a consumer.

Inflated costs might occur for a real reason, but when the reason gets resolved, prices do not return to normal.

Barrel of oil costs 40 bucks, gas costs 60 cents a liter.
Barrel of oil costs 80 bucks because (hurricane, political stuff, wildfires, pipeline problems, whatever), gas costs 1.20 a liter.

Issue resolved and a barrel of oil goes back down to 40 bucks, gas continues to cost 1.20 a liter.

Because they know you will pay it.

This is the same for every single object you pay money for.

All of the profit goes to the top.

Have you seen Bezos’ new yacht? Still think I’m not being accurate?

Look up the wealth and earnings of the top people on publicly traded companies and tell me how else they earn so many millions and billions if they weren’t gouging.

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