With some bad films getting anger directed at the director, how much of a films success really lies on the shoulders of a director?


With some bad films getting anger directed at the director, how much of a films success really lies on the shoulders of a director?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Directors aren’t necessarily directly responsible for anything you see on screen, *but they’re responsible for hiring and managing the people who are*. If you watch a movie and think “Everything else was great, but that editing was terrible”, the editor bears some responsibility, but it’s also fair to ask if the director should have hired someone else or perhaps that they told the editor to do something stupid. If you’re considering any creative decision, like an actor having a weird accent, it’s fair to assume it was the director’s decision, or at the very least that they needed to sign off on it.

The big caveat here is money. Even the best director can’t hire good people if you only give them $5 to make a movie. However, for any wide release, the director was almost certainly given a reasonable amount of money to work with.

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