With the amount of data being sent through computer displays, would it ever be feasible to move away from rectangular pixels on screens?


Wondering because I was watching a youtube video and noticed that at a low resolution, you just can’t display an equilateral triangle nicely

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You *could*, in fact it already has been done. The iPhone X’s display isn’t made up of square pixels but is rather an array of oval green dots and rounded diamond red and blue dots. At the end of the day though, whatever arrangement you choose wouldn’t be perfect for display any arbitrary shape at low resolutions.

Instead the solution to this challenge is to just make higher resolution displays such that the shape of the pixels aren’t a visible limitation on the shapes which can be smoothly displayed. Apple’s “Retina” displays are aimed at a pixel density such that in normal use the individual pixels are just too small to be visible at all.

So nobody is likely to be trying to construct a display specifically to show equilateral triangles really well and now be incapable of good squares. It is just too niche a goal.

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