writing scripts (not movie scripts)


I see people saying “I wrote a script to automate my job” or “I wrote a script to search for xxxx” and I have no idea what that means besides “computer stuff.”

In: 10

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Computer code is like a recipe. If you want to make a chocolate cake, you need ingredients, utensils and cookware, and follow a list of steps. A code is something like that, but instead of manipulating ingredients, you manipulate data through a series of steps: you store it, transform it, show it through the screen, save it in a file…

The word “script” is a bit generic in your examples, for instance it could be a macro in Excel that fetchs data from the web, formats it, paste it into a spreadsheet, calculate other cells, and save it as a file. Or it may be instructions for program that simulates user input (moving the mouse, clicking, writing…) to navigate through screens.

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