writing scripts (not movie scripts)


I see people saying “I wrote a script to automate my job” or “I wrote a script to search for xxxx” and I have no idea what that means besides “computer stuff.”

In: 10

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just like movie scripts, computer scripts are a sequence of instructions describing what to do.

Stand here. Say this. Wait for this to happen.

Copy that file into that folder. Send an email to this person with this text in it.

Movie scripts are written by humans for other humans to interpret and execute/perform. This is why they use plain language and have a clear structure indicating who speaks, when, and the tone/emotion to use.

Computer scripts are written by humans (mostly) for computers to interpret and execute. So they use specific languages that are a compromise between human and computer readability.

That’s it! Just like in a movie, you can get impressive, unique, and useful results by combining a bunch of simple instructions.
It’s nice because you don’t need to act well to help make a good movie and you don’t need to be good at toggling nanoscopic transistors to copy a file. You can just write a script and give it to someone/something that CAN do it!

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