writing scripts (not movie scripts)


I see people saying “I wrote a script to automate my job” or “I wrote a script to search for xxxx” and I have no idea what that means besides “computer stuff.”

In: 10

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you had to copy and paste the same data from one place to another every day.

A script is series of commands that automates this for you broken down into small steps that are scripted via some programming language.(vba in excel, bash in Linux, Python etc…)

One piece of the script goes to the program where to date is stored, another selects the data and so on until the whole process is completed.

This script can be run by a simple command automating all that manual work. It is a lot of upfront work to get it to work and some work to maintain it if things the script uses change but still less work on the daily.

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