wtf is plausible deniability?


I’ve heard it used a million times before but never had anyone explain it to me and I feel stupid.

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11 Answers

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As an ELI5:

Suppose you want to break a window somewhere, but you’re restricted by two issues. First of all, you’re not allowed to break the window and you’ll get into huge issues if you do. Second of all, you’re not allowed to lie and just say you didn’t break it.

You mention to your friend how great it would be if that window was broken, how much you hate it. Your friend picks up the hint, and breaks the window for you.

Someone asks if you were involved in breaking the window. You can honestly say you weren’t involved at all. Your friend was acting alone and you didn’t ask for it to be broken.

That’s plausible deniability. You can deny that you had any involvement, even though you’re ultimately the reason the window was broken.

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