you need sleep and food to regain energy, what kind of energy is this and where in the body is it stored?


you need sleep and food to regain energy, what kind of energy is this and where in the body is it stored?

In: 53

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our body actually uses energy while we sleep, but very minimally compared with an alert state. Food is energy and that energy is stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen and as fat. We actually create the most ATP when moving and exercising as it’s necessary for muscular contraction and cognitive function.

You actually only “regain energy” by eating.

Sleep allows our body to recover and perform metabolic processes (healing, storing memories, fighting infections, etc.) that our body doesn’t have the resources to do as effectively while we are awake because our body’s resources are devoted to movement and cognition while we are awake.

That’s why, when you get sick, it’s common to go to bed feeling a little sick, and wake up feeling like death because your immune activity increases while you sleep and fills up your lymph nodes with waste products after a long night of battle with the invader.

And have you also noticed that sometimes when studying something, it’s hard to grasp the way you want to but you’re able to recall the information fairly easily after going to sleep? That’s your brain processing the days events and storing information.

In a healthy state, it’s common to feel refreshed after a good nights sleep because your body can devote resources to clearing metabolic waste out of your muscles and blood that cause cognitive and physical fatigue.

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