Mathematics Mathematics 262 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 7 Ans Why is any number squared equal to the the number before it times the number after it plus one? 636 viewsMathematicsOther 16 Ans How do ski jumpers NOT get fall damage? 1.34K viewsMathematicsOther 7 Ans eli5: What does it mean that you can’t “square a circle”? Couldn’t you just take a circle with diameter 2, and then a 2×2 square ? 698 viewsMathematicsOther 0 Ans How does a Perlin Noise algorithm work? 258 viewsMathematicsOther 5 Ans Eli5: According to Google a horse at peak power produces 15 horse power…. so what animal at peak power would produce 1 horse power? 594 viewsMathematicsOther 2 Ans Confidence Intervals, P value and Null Hypothesis 365 viewsMathematicsOther 2 Ans What is a Lychrel number? What are its applications? 355 viewsMathematicsOther 0 Ans Public Transport Algorithms 233 viewsMathematicsOther 3 Ans Proof by induction vs Proof by exhaustion 417 viewsMathematicsOther 3 Ans Why does solving Rubik’s Cube require knowing all 6 sides? 366 viewsMathematicsOther 3 Ans what exactly do cookies do and what happens if I deny the cookie pop up spam on websites? 323 viewsMathematicsOther 14 Ans why 0! = 1. Idk it seems counterintuitive. 1.16K viewsMathematicsOther 0 Ans How does the elliptic-curve method for the factorization of large numbers work? 209 viewsMathematicsOther 3 Ans the science behind solving a Rubik’s cube through the pattern, and how record breakers do it so accurately 370 viewsMathematicsOther 1 Ans Can someone explain multiple regression? 302 viewsMathematicsOther 10 Ans eli5: how did PEMDAS came to be? what decided this order and rule? 744 viewsMathematicsOther 10 Ans does “ 12.8 lbs “ mean 12 lbs and 8oz, or does it actually mean 12.8 lbs, which would be around 12 lbs and 12oz? 773 viewsMathematicsOther 7 Ans How can fractals have fractional dimensionality? 540 viewsMathematicsOther 1 Ans – When betting on horses – what does Tote mean? 274 viewsMathematicsOther 1 Ans Eli5: rules for dividing equation by lcm to get rid of fractions 279 viewsMathematicsOther « Previous 1 2 … 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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