Other Other 8863 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 22 Ans Running water at night when temperatures are below freezing 1.86K viewsOtherPhysics 6 Ans Why do we plateau and eventually begin getting worse at some skills? 510 viewsOther 4 Ans An Inner Monologue and Not Having One 429 viewsOther 3 Ans What is a caucus? 367 viewsOther 3 Ans Eli5: How hot would water have to be for it to be vapor coming out of the tap? 436 viewsOtherPhysics 8 Ans In movies and video games, fighter jets and other similar vehicles need to chase their opponent and have them in target long enough to get a lock on, but why can’t they just be in range if radar works in all directions? Do they need to chase opponents like this in real life? 794 viewsOtherTechnology 16 Ans why do intellectual property laws like copyright have an expiry date? 1.22K viewsOther 7 Ans How do they prevent people from bleeding out dry during any major operation? 660 viewsBiologyOther 5 Ans Why does the last thing you eat sometimes not come up when you vomit but something before that comes up? 519 viewsBiologyOther 4 Ans What is an LLC? And why do people on social media want them for their content? What are the benefits? 591 viewsEconomicsOther 6 Ans Why do the amish get a pass on child Labour in the US? 533 viewsOther 7 Ans I see in comments sections of subs that people who make edits to their comments will explain their edits. What happens if you don’t explain your edit? Will others know that I’ve made an edit without explaining it? And why would they care? 534 viewsOther 13 Ans How do beekeepers not get stung? 1.22K viewsBiologyOther 1 Ans Eli5: How exactly is breastmilk made? 300 viewsBiologyOther 42 Ans Why was milk delivered to your house in the 90s/early 2000s? 2.39K viewsOther 8 Ans The boarding agent on my flight announced that the plane was full and mentioned a term that had something to do with weight. She said that extra baggage wasn’t allowed so people should consolidate. How does that change the weight of anything? 762 viewsEngineeringOther 3 Ans Eli5: The “secret stickers” on mid-2000s blood drive forms 434 viewsBiologyOther 5 Ans Why has the ratio of administrators to doctors increased so much? 476 viewsOther 2 Ans What are people in the stock exchange buildings shouting about? 410 viewsEconomicsOther 4 Ans Eli5: why is thundersnow so rare? 519 viewsOtherPlanetary Science « Previous 1 2 … 429 430 431 432 433 … 443 444 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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