Other Other 8863 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 18 Ans What is a constructor in programming? 835 viewsOtherTechnology 5 Ans IRA and Roth IRA 367 viewsEconomicsOther 5 Ans How did certain anxiety disorders (like germophobia) present before the acceptance of germ theory? 340 viewsBiologyOther 2 Ans how are they able to rotate an image? 257 viewsEngineeringOther 1 Ans how does smoke from wild fires travel 1000+ miles and stay intact 166 viewsOther 3 Ans why do so many large trucks end up stuck on railroad tracks? 217 viewsOther 5 Ans How do snails get their shells? 299 viewsBiologyOther 4 Ans Why pool depth affects swimmers’ speed 390 viewsOtherPhysics 6 Ans In English why is “Good Morning/Day/Afternoon/Evening” a greeting, but “Good Day/Night” a farewell? 305 viewsOther 3 Ans A recent forum I’ve visited for years, is now charging a membership just to use the search function due to something called “Google Console API” charging them. I don’t understand why a simple search function is no longer available? I’m so confused 266 viewsOtherTechnology 9 Ans Eli5:why we use the solar calendar instead of the lunar calendar? 489 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 5 Ans Why do people eat snails but not slugs? 320 viewsBiologyOther 6 Ans In the summer, why do you want to pull hot air from the ceiling downwards instead of pulling up colder air to the ceiling? 366 viewsOther 10 Ans Eli5: why aren’t flights to “mild” warzones canceled until the war ends? 485 viewsOther 18 Ans Why is a group of four players the standard for the majority of games? 833 viewsOther 3 Ans Why do moths and other flying insects fly towards the light? 230 viewsBiologyOther 12 Ans How does a supercomputer work and how are they so fast? 803 viewsOtherTechnology 2 Ans How does making protons collide with each other (in the LHC) (re)creates the conditions that were present after the Big Bang? 317 viewsOtherPhysics 18 Ans Why are there so many different linux distributions and how do they really differ from the users perspective? 937 viewsOtherTechnology 3 Ans Why can’t Ligeti’s Hungarian Rock for solo harpsichord be played solo on the piano? 274 viewsOther « Previous 1 2 … 84 85 86 87 88 … 443 444 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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