Activities Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans What is the difference between lubricated and slippery? 666 viewsChemistryOther 1 Ans ELI5- prophetic perfect tense 296 viewsOther 1 Ans how did we find out which vitamins and minerals we need to consume and the amounts daily?? 291 viewsBiologyOther 4 Ans Eli5: how does encoding/decoding with a keyword work? 319 viewsOther 8 Ans Base Running and Stealing in Baseball 701 viewsOther 1 Ans How did an optometrist’s machine measure my eye prescription just from me looking at a hot air balloon? 336 viewsOtherPhysics 6 Ans What exactly is skin eczema and why do babies get them? 583 viewsBiologyOther 2 Ans CSS em and rem units 632 viewsOtherTechnology 5 Ans Why does Canada drive on the right side of the road, when all other former British colonies drive on the left? 484 viewsOther 10 Ans How does building luxury condos drive rental prices down? 928 viewsEconomicsOther 3 Ans how do washing machines work? How does just swishing some clothes around and soapy water get out stains and dirt but scrubbing clothes with a brush and soapy water only seems to spread the stain around? 463 viewsEngineeringOther 2 Ans ELI5%3A%20Wireless transmitter/ receiver 311 viewsOtherTechnology 1 Ans What does accepting unwanted thoughts mean in mindfulness and meditation? 183 viewsOther 7 Ans Why are modern televisions not designed for 24 frames-per-second when 99% percent of movies are in 24 fps? 707 viewsOtherTechnology 6 Ans We have countless data proving the objective harms of smoking. We have anti-smoking ad campaigns lasting generations. We have brought civil actions against tobacco companies for hiding cancer risks and harming individuals…. why WOULDN’T the american public support a complete tobacco ban? 572 viewsOther 3 Ans Why does the sun rise in the east and go towards West? 456 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 1 Ans CPUs and GPUs 356 viewsOtherTechnology 4 Ans Eli5:why is the mind still such a mystery to us? 478 viewsBiologyOther 3 Ans What’s the difference between a 401k vs IRA Roth? 440 viewsEconomicsOther 1 Ans Repetition compulsion of trauma in psychology. 317 viewsBiologyOther « Previous 1 2 … 161 162 163 164 165 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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