Activities Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans How can a pregnancy surrogate carry a zygote/fetus when surrogate and baby are not biologically related? 441 views 3 Ans What is absurdism about? 288 views 1 Ans eli5: why do colors outside look so much more saturated right before tornadoes? 225 views 4 Ans What exactly is the reason I tear up watching cute/ funny videos? 302 views 15 Ans eli5: How are airline companies profit margins so thin? 733 views 2 Ans Eli5 Geoid low Indian Ocean 296 views 22 Ans Why are eggs traditionally put in the dairy section of a grocery store? 1.07K views 3 Ans eli5 how does an inverter step up voltage? 340 views 11 Ans why do hot engines “click” when turned off? 718 views 4 Ans Why are there so many different types of screw heads? 294 views 2 Ans Football (soccer) player Luciano Sánchez fully dislocated his knee on August 1 in a tragic accident but did not break any bones. Why did the doctor need to put screws to mend his injury? 210 views 7 Ans Eli5 Why does fire burn in a visual spectrum for humans 497 views 6 Ans Why do you need to sign on stuff? 385 views 22 Ans Time Dialation in regards to aging? 1.09K views 1 Ans complicated Algebraic approach to max/min probs 271 views 30 Ans If a simple 3-dimensonal sphere were displaced in a 4th spacial dimension, even slightly, it would disappear from 3-space instantly, but it would still have a location in 3-space, right? 1.32K views 8 Ans Why are snake and spider venoms so powerful when their normal victims are so small? 397 views 1 Ans When boiling food like dumplings/pierogi, why do they float to the top once they’re ready? 186 views 20 Ans Why can’t hyperinflation be fixed by creating a new currency? or just stop printing? 838 views 1 Ans [eli5] In most movie adaptions of apocalyptic scenarios the power in every building disappears, is this accurate, if so where would the power in the national grid go? 240 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,064 3,065 3,066 3,067 3,068 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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