Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans How does the ‘clap’ speed skate generate faster speeds than the regular style? 193 views 6 Ans How do they design/create chip with billions of small transistor? 248 views 6 Ans How the body absorbs water “instantly”? 271 views 3 Ans Biologically and chemically speaking, how depression happens, and how do antidepressants helps in improving the condition? 214 views 5 Ans What is an adhocracy? 275 views 2 Ans why lizards can regenerate their tails and starfish their whole body. But we can’t regenerate our limbs. 133 views 3 Ans Why do we rub our eyes when sleepy? 191 views 17 Ans When should one of mean, mode, and median be used over the other 586 views 1 Ans How does the Body know at what exact point of energy-consumption to “release” long term energy, i. e.: to burn fat? 163 views 5 Ans How do gas masks work? How does the mask differentiate breathable air from poison gas? 216 views 4 Ans Eli5: Why is it soo hard to run a profitable airline business? 206 views 1 Ans FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS: How does water break up into oxygen, protons, AND electrons? And how does the addition of electrons AND H+ create NADPH, rather than NADPH+? 138 views 22 Ans If feces is the bits of food that our body couldn’t digest or use, is it possible to eat a diet that our bodies can use 100% and never have to defecate? And, if so, could such a diet ever be healthy or would it always be deficient in some nutrients? 835 views 1 Ans why does pain medication, like advil and morphine, cause bowel problems? 124 views 9 Ans eli5, is it true that irrational numbers like pi contains every single number combination in it? 381 views 3 Ans Denmark is cloudy all winter with very few clear days. Why is this? 213 views 2 Ans This question’s in regards to anesthesia. I have a few of them. 173 views 2 Ans What’s the composition of comets? 187 views 2 Ans Why are some sounds so loud? 186 views 4 Ans eli5: Why does it feel like time goes by faster the more we age? 366 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,655 2,656 2,657 2,658 2,659 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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