Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans how do astronomers know how far an object is in the universe. Like I get how they know if it comes or goes based on the color (red and blue meaning close or far) but how do they know approximately how far it is? 252 views 2 Ans eli5: Why wasn’t Vietnam huge for forest fires during the war? 270 views 1 Ans : Why wooden planks goes gray ? 278 views 25 Ans Why do we never lose certain skills we have learned, even if we haven’t practiced them for a long time. like for example riding a bicycle, and we lose some, like a new language we learned 10 years ago but can’t remember anything about it now? 963 views 2 Ans eli5: why do Cubans use the informal currency market? 310 views 4 Ans Why has the Darvaza gas crater (Door To Hell) been burning for decades? 357 views 3 Ans How do they take an MRI of a heart when it’s still pumping, and therefore moving? 285 views 3 Ans eli5: Why and How do humans use body language, sometimes without realizing it? 291 views 2 Ans eli5: How big a crack does water need to leak through and does the material of the container impact the size required? 301 views 2 Ans How are radio waves created when we send information with things like computers? Is it similar to how larger radio waves from radio towers are made? 276 views 4 Ans What is the value of traditional screws when Phillips heads seem superior? 444 views 13 Ans Eli5 is there a below and above in space? 724 views 3 Ans What’s the difference between a headache, migraine and thunderclap headache? 541 views 6 Ans How do forges melt heat resistant metals like steel… 493 views 4 Ans If penicillin became the pinnacle antibiotic why are many of us now allergic? 294 views 2 Ans Why do changes occur in our body especially at night while we’re asleep? 254 views 6 Ans How do we know how much electricity needs to be produced and how much is used? 403 views 8 Ans Eli5, Why can you lift more will both hands than each hand can lift combined 398 views 8 Ans Why do companies that own a building sell the building and lease a space in it? Ex: CBS with television city 397 views 25 Ans Why do we board up the windows of abandoned or currently renovating buildings instead of leaving the glass? 963 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,701 2,702 2,703 2,704 2,705 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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