Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans Why are 16oz cartons of non-dairy milks generally unrefrigerated at stores, but the 32 oz ones are? 423 views 4 Ans Why do our bodies need potassium as an electrolyte if we already have sodium which helps our body absorb water and ensures our muscles work? 311 views 8 Ans How does a poor country build an education system from scratch? 499 views 8 Ans Eli5: why are baseball players allowed to run past first base and not be considered “off base”? 461 views 2 Ans eli5 how placing one foot on the ground while lying down helps with dizziness 284 views 2 Ans Why are the calories burned inconsistent from one day to the next, if the method and duration of exercise is the same? 317 views 2 Ans How are wildlife photographers and documentary filmmakers not get mauled to death by the animals they’re filming? 306 views 3 Ans What are Methodological Strengths and Weaknesses in research studies? 356 views 2 Ans Eli5: How does popcorn work? 309 views 2 Ans How does a film director produce his film after finishing the script? 279 views 25 Ans How do torrents work? 1.13K views 6 Ans eli5 how they define common measurement units 573 views 13 Ans If I google the exchange rate from one currency to another, it shows a much better rate than what I would get in a bureau de change for the same amount of money. Why are these two rates so different? 626 views 1 Ans Why can’t we eat as much sugary product when we’re older compared to when we were younger? 246 views 3 Ans Eli5 Balanced v Unbalanced Audio 333 views 3 Ans How do excavators work? 818 views 2 Ans Why do we move forwards when we sneeze? Shouldn’t our bodies move backwards? 241 views 5 Ans What is the butterfly effect? 342 views 2 Ans What does it mean to generate tone on a wire, how do tone generators/probes work? 305 views 10 Ans eli5: How do people lose more than 100% in stocks? 588 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,725 2,726 2,727 2,728 2,729 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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