Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 8 Ans Why do electric cars accelerate faster than most gas-powered cars, even though they have less horsepower? 446 viewsOtherTechnology 2 Ans ELI5- what is the difference between a motion & an OTSC? 208 viewsOther 15 Ans How does corruption actually destroy countries, especially developing countries ? 797 viewsOther 6 Ans AC current is the back and forth movement of electrons in a wire. If something uses some of the power, does that mean that there are more electrons moving in one direction and less in the other because some of the electrons are used up powering the thing? 395 viewsOtherPhysics 1 Ans How does crystal litter work? 163 viewsOther 9 Ans What does it actually mean when the U.S. sends $X billion to another country? 517 viewsEconomicsOther 4 Ans Eli5: What’s the difference between a mag, clip, drum, round, etc when talking about guns? 296 viewsOtherTechnology 3 Ans : Why do ear piercings take so long to close over but other parts of the body close really quickly? 257 viewsBiologyOther 1 Ans – Why does nasal congestion switch sides? Why can’t both passages clear itself at the same time? 164 viewsBiologyOther 4 Ans Why do some Paper Airplanes fly upside-down? 318 viewsEngineeringOther 10 Ans How can space itself expand? Isn’t space the lack of matter, the area in between matter? 640 viewsOtherPhysics 4 Ans How do we get used to an awful smell after a few mins of smelling it? 298 viewsBiologyOther 6 Ans Why do some injuries last forever? 389 viewsBiologyOther 17 Ans – why do victims of fraud not get their money back? 895 viewsOther 11 Ans Cruise Missle vs Ballistic Missle 790 viewsEngineeringOther 5 Ans How do they make sure tunnels are going exactly the right way? 336 viewsEngineeringOther 4 Ans what is a SGOV ETF 317 viewsEconomicsOther 22 Ans – Mississippi has similar GDP per capita ($53061) than Germany ($54291) and the UK ($51075), so why are people in Mississippi so much poorer with a much lower living standard? 1.21K viewsEconomicsOther 11 Ans Why do tampons have so many bad chemicals in them if they are just a piece of cotton? 562 viewsOther 2 Ans self-interacting dark matter theory 236 viewsOtherPlanetary Science « Previous 1 2 … 26 27 28 29 30 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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