Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans eli5: What is the great pyramid’s big void and why is it interesting? 365 viewsOther 2 Ans – How do we know what vitamins/minerals are in food? 346 viewsOther 15 Ans eli5: I saw a post on instagram saying “Sonoluminescence – If you collapse an underwater bubble with a soundwave, light is produced, and nobody knows why” is this true? 1.30K viewsOther 6 Ans Why are birds so damn loud in the morning? 636 viewsBiologyOther 1 Ans eli5: How does magnus effect impact projectile motion 371 viewsOtherPhysics 3 Ans How is it that phones (like the Flip5) can just fold over without the screen breaking? 539 viewsOtherTechnology 4 Ans Eli5: what makes species a different species? 379 viewsBiologyOther 4 Ans Why did the universe start cooling down? 636 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 1 Ans Eli5: how are temperatures of exoplanets measured 402 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 2 Ans Eli5: indicators 494 viewsChemistryOther 6 Ans Eli5: whats the difference between term vs whole life insurance? 419 viewsOther 8 Ans How do blackholes attract light when light is massless. 862 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 3 Ans how something can dissolve metal but not plastic? 515 viewsChemistryOther 3 Ans Eli5:Why do we need to brush our teeth every day? 390 viewsOther 2 Ans what is the difference between ↔ and ≡ in discrete math? 495 viewsMathematicsOther 2 Ans If your liver can regrow itself then why is partial hepatectomy not a treatment for cirrhosis? 396 viewsBiologyOther 13 Ans Are there regulations in warfare? 1.26K viewsOther 7 Ans [Eli5] what’s the meaning of the ratio brain size/body mass? Why a bigger brain isn’t alone a sign of bigger intelligence? What has body mass to do with it? 743 viewsBiologyOther 0 Ans How did the assassination of Juvénal Habyarimana spark the Rwandan Genocide? 217 viewsOther 4 Ans The difference between negative reinforcement and negative punishment. 503 viewsOther « Previous 1 2 … 342 343 344 345 346 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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