Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 0 Ans Adhesion and cohesion 157 viewsEngineeringOther 2 Ans Why do some aircraft have their trailing-edge devices (flaps or similar) exist as a separate piece on the trailing edge of the plane, while for others it is integrated into the wing and it looks like the wing “opens up/splits apart”? 253 viewsEngineeringOther 16 Ans ELI5. After a hurricane if everyone had a “life straw” could they drink the ground water? 884 viewsBiologyOther 3 Ans How does our body decide which chromosome to transcribe into RNA? 274 viewsBiologyOther 5 Ans Why is scratching the skin only pleasurable when it is itchy? 354 viewsBiologyOther 2 Ans What causes an unusually warm Autumn? 287 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 7 Ans do wild animals know somewhere as “home”? 426 viewsBiologyOther 1 Ans Physiologically, how does burnout occur? 172 viewsBiologyOther 5 Ans Please explain about knowledge of a planet? 428 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 5 Ans why do most herbivorous animals eat only the leaves? 369 viewsBiologyOther 2 Ans How do they measure stars thousands of light-years away moving 7 mm a day towards each other in a double pulsar system? 251 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 3 Ans From my understanding, naval aircraft in world war 2 tended to be lighter and more maneuverable due to STOL requirements. What’s the reason that post-war jets ended up the opposite – with Banshee, sea venom, panther, demon sea hawk being heavier than land-based contemporaries? 315 viewsOtherTechnology 6 Ans Why can we tame some wild animals and not others? 369 viewsOther 9 Ans How does file compression/ZIP files work? 605 viewsEngineeringOther 3 Ans why does blood become a ring after hitting the water? 268 viewsBiologyOther 24 Ans In the stock market,for someone to make money, does that mean someone has to lose money? 1.38K viewsEconomicsOther 2 Ans Why do blocked noses get worse when you lie down? Or sit down? 233 viewsBiologyOther 4 Ans What’s the point of a Möbius strip? Other than being a cool shape, why/how is it important and what does it help us understand? 352 viewsMathematicsOther 8 Ans why do we use hardwood for smoking food? 532 viewsChemistryOther 1 Ans How do TV ratings accurately reflect popularity/quality of an episode? 172 viewsOther « Previous 1 2 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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