Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 12 Ans Eli5, people are saying that pemdas is absolute and that 1000 / 5(4-2) = m could be either 100 or 400 because the variable m isn’t defined. Could you all elaborate on what that means? 633 views 5 Ans How does a doctor level up? 510 views 18 Ans Why are ad-blocking extensions so easy to come across and install on PCs, but so difficult or convoluted to install on a phone? 727 views 14 Ans How does the bellybutton “end”? 639 views 23 Ans eli5: Why is it not possible to build bird-like attachable wings that account for body proportions to allow humans to fly or glide around? 847 views 11 Ans How do water pumps produce smooth, steady streams of water if the pump is moving up and down? 733 views 24 Ans Eli5: How do bones and other organs know what shapes to grown into? 1.11K views 30 Ans the mechanics of drinking yourself to death 1.45K views 11 Ans What’s so bad about allergens that your body would rather kill you than let them enter? 641 views 8 Ans eli5 if most company’s ceo are payed in stocks, what’s preventing them from literally doing insider trading 514 views 1 Ans How do predators convey to their young whether to follow them or not? 198 views 3 Ans How does crying work? I get that you cry when you reach a certain point of emotion/pain, but how does your brain know it’s enough to cry? 244 views 19 Ans Why can’t a naval ship have chains extended on sides to keep torpedos from reach it? 1.26K views 2 Ans Eli5: What is color theory and how does it work? 370 views 3 Ans why do some medications lose their potency when refrigerated? 357 views 8 Ans How did the German V1 Flying Bomb find its target? 369 views 6 Ans How did ancient people first figure out metallurgy? Wouldn’t they have had to know to dig up the metals from deep underground in the first place? 299 views 4 Ans Skin product advertised as “soap-free” but it contains NaOH. 281 views 7 Ans What To Capitalize In Titles 540 views 8 Ans Eli5: What are the round flat things on the roof of the mouth? 493 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,336 2,337 2,338 2,339 2,340 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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