Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 13 Ans Why is every new movie considered to be the #1 movie in america? 715 views 5 Ans Why does consumption of alcohol lead us to gradually find people more attractive the more we keep drinking? 279 views 12 Ans What are the differences between bogey, hostile, bandit etc. in Air Force terms? 779 views 8 Ans Why do most birds bob their head back and forth when they walk? 528 views 6 Ans Why do we need a moisturizer for different parts of our body when basically we’re covered with skin? 280 views 2 Ans Why do we get pimples on the face, but not or rarely on other parts of the skin such as the palms? 206 views 6 Ans What is the perfect kitchen triangle? 395 views 19 Ans – Nicotine is a tropane alkaloid, it has the ability to release dopamine in the reward pathways of the brain, why does it not produce consistent euphoria like cocaine; alkaloid or speed: amphetamine? 958 views 1 Ans Why do some supplements like stimulants work better on an empty stomach but other supplements like vitamins work better when taken with meals? 187 views 3 Ans ELi5 Why do some electric motors make noise and others don’t 297 views 2 Ans Why random character password is considered “weaker” than catchphrase with letters and symbols? 220 views 4 Ans what does “muscle building” look like on a molecular level? 260 views 11 Ans eli5: How do they decide what the speed limit is for a road? 729 views 12 Ans Why cant there be a universal cable for every kind of socket? 707 views 2 Ans eli5: Why do we sleep better when lying down? 231 views 5 Ans – If a lawsuit is settled out of court, what is there to stop someone else suing for the exact same reason? 372 views 7 Ans – what causes that white build up you get in the corners of your mouth when it’s dry? 513 views 31 Ans Why is it that we don’t often breath to our full capacity, we take shallow breathes and rarely take full breath 1.41K views 6 Ans why only prime numbers are used in RSA encryption? 429 views 22 Ans Before electronic banking, how did wealthy businessmen keep track of their earnings? 1.15K views « Previous 1 2 … 2,345 2,346 2,347 2,348 2,349 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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