Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 17 Ans Why is there a labor shortage when unemployment is low? 640 views 29 Ans What are the roots of American accents? Where did the English accents go? 995 views 5 Ans eli5 Is Mt. Everest the tallest mountain relatively? 276 views 12 Ans why can’t we just breath faster when we run so we’re not out of breath, and when we do breath faster we pass out 704 views 7 Ans Why are beavers hardwired to build dams? 341 views 7 Ans Why does wind feel so much colder when hitting wet skin? 280 views 9 Ans How are steep and difficult mountains like K2, Annapurna, Jannu climbed for the first time without ropes, ladders and harnesses from above for support? 369 views 2 Ans What does rule of recognition mean? 172 views 20 Ans ELi5 Netflix said they will charge more if someone outside of your household uses it. How can they tell? 721 views 5 Ans why Youtube has 30 min- 2 hr ads sometimes during videos 242 views 2 Ans the difference, if there is one, between oral herpes (HSV-1) and genital herpes (HSV-2) aside from the fact that one virus grows in the oral area and the other around the genitals. 166 views 23 Ans eli5 why do swords not look like saws after battle 1.07K views 6 Ans eli5: why is human hearing so poor 460 views 1 Ans How do Geodes form and why are they hollow? 147 views 1 Ans what is market efficiency? 142 views 4 Ans Why does alcohol make people feel less pain? 279 views 4 Ans Eli5: What does a catalyst do to reduce activation energy ? 295 views 3 Ans GMO Fast Growing Trees 330 views 5 Ans What’s the difference between empathy and sympathy? 394 views 9 Ans Why do lakes and rivers only freeze on the surface and not all the way through? 524 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,575 2,576 2,577 2,578 2,579 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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