Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans What is a lepto-quark? 163 views 3 Ans eli5, why do hand rolled cigarettes put out themselves, but a cigarette from a pack keeps burning? 180 views 3 Ans Why do contrails disappear immediately sometimes, and other times stay in the air for hours? 184 views 5 Ans [ELI5]Why do loading progress bars seem to always stop at 99% 247 views 1 Ans ELI5. How do diamond testers work? 150 views 24 Ans ELI5- Why do streets have different labels like Ave, Blvd, Rd, etc.? Are there certain qualifications for what determines them? 949 views 6 Ans How does NASA capture photos of something 6500 light years away? 286 views 5 Ans Why is the Gaelic language dying out? 260 views 2 Ans What makes some first person shooters perfectly playable with a controller (Call of Duty, Halo) while others support it but are all but unplayable (CS:GO)? 160 views 3 Ans Why are there so many more marsupial species in Australia compared to other continents? 179 views 1 Ans why does a tight muscle feel like a knot when I’m roam rolling on it 121 views 2 Ans How do streaming video services automatically switch video quality without interruption? 138 views 1 Ans How does subduction remove CO2 from the atmosphere? 158 views 27 Ans Eli5: why do bands have to use Ticketmaster? 983 views 2 Ans What biological processes cause me to actually feel more tired if I drink too much caffeine instead of just more energetic? 147 views 4 Ans What exactly makes some car’s engines durable than the others? 230 views 1 Ans eli5 I’m struggling with surds in maths, how on earth do they work? 135 views 4 Ans Eli5 What does it mean when people say “let your subconscious mind run your life” 239 views 1 Ans Quadratics vs trinomial factoring 151 views 2 Ans What exactly was Project Xanadu and how exactly does it compare to the modern Internet/World Wide Web? 164 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,577 2,578 2,579 2,580 2,581 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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