Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 37 Ans Eli5: How does gravity affect time, dumb it down for me as much as possible 1.09K views 3 Ans Why do banks still keep gold? 186 views 3 Ans Why does puberty tend to occur in females earlier than males? 171 views 1 Ans : If auroras are the result of solar wind, isn’t it harmful ? And what is the link between plasma and auroras ? 139 views 1 Ans Does the antibac in antibac wipes/spray/gel run out? 121 views 2 Ans : Why does the planet WASP-12B absorb 94% of the light on its surface ? 152 views 9 Ans Why does an infinite universe imply that everything that can happen will happen? Why can’t an infinite universe be boring and uneventful? 293 views 8 Ans Where does the value of Crypto come from? Why do people buy? 256 views 3 Ans Eli5 Space telescopes image capturing process 175 views 1 Ans eli5: why do cuts on my fingers bleed more then cuts on arm/leg 115 views 1 Ans why do dry cell batteries expire (ex. AA, AAA, etc.)? 129 views 2 Ans Why did I feel fine all day after helping my friend move yesterday morning, but today after getting rest, everything hurts? 145 views 4 Ans [ELI5]How do war games work? How do you get points or win? 186 views 5 Ans Principal payments and extra payments on a car loan. 226 views 2 Ans What happens, physiologically, in the brain when a stroke occurs from smoking and poor diet? 167 views 4 Ans Why can’t we donate insulin? 186 views 2 Ans why is running water so loud? 155 views 1 Ans Eli5 Why can you feel strong mints consumed in your mouth in your nose? 120 views 2 Ans eli5: what is psoriasis and how/why does it occur? 172 views 33 Ans why is atmosphere reentry such an issue? If it is just because of speed hitting the atmosphere why can’t the spacecraft just slow down before and synchronise with earth rotation? 950 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,616 2,617 2,618 2,619 2,620 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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