Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans eli5 How time zones were made and how the lines for time zones were created? 148 views 11 Ans Why climbers climbing high mountain peaks need oxygen but airplane passengers flying in high altitude don’t need oxygen? 426 views 7 Ans energy costs 311 views 2 Ans Eli5: if you are type 2 diabetic and go into a coma for a long period of time, could the doctors treat your type 2 to the point to where you are no longer diabetic? 173 views 3 Ans On the road, why do we have speed bumps instead of speed grooves? 167 views 1 Ans why are most utility pole’s metal? Wouldn’t that be a bad idea because of their conductivity in a storm? 118 views 3 Ans Eli5: why does your muscles come back bigger after ripping them during workout but doesnt when you cut yourself? 168 views 29 Ans Where is the trillions of dollars lost in the crypto market going? 855 views 5 Ans What happens to electricity that is “grounded”? 259 views 2 Ans Why is one or two degrees a massive amount when it comes to atmospheric temperature or a fever, but that same difference in the weather or the heat of a surface is much less noticeable? 152 views 3 Ans How a credit union makes money if they don’t invest out your money like banks do. 164 views 2 Ans why do some cultures express happiness through music with major chords while other cultures do though minor chords? 139 views 4 Ans ELI5; how are bridges so secure in the ocean? 197 views 4 Ans Why do military planes always pop flares after doing a run 203 views 3 Ans Eli5 How the ocean isn’t just fish pee at this point? 191 views 3 Ans why do eyes rarely get paralysed? 181 views 4 Ans Eli5 If light needs to travel then would things actually not appear as they used to be? 193 views 1 Ans Why do payoffs grow exponentially in the current merit based system? 121 views 4 Ans In FPS/TPS games, what happens when there’s no “entering a vehicle” animation? 203 views 2 Ans why would some comptant rater sell a huge amount of product for cheap rater than the same amount at normal price ? 151 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,622 2,623 2,624 2,625 2,626 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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