Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans Eli5 why there is a need to salt fish before consumption 135 views 5 Ans Eli5- How do scientists know we came from the stars? 231 views 6 Ans how are chinese protesters able to post videos with the great chinese firewall controlling internet? 214 views 1 Ans Eli5: what causes a headache? 130 views 4 Ans How does the automatic wiper speed function works in cars? 202 views 4 Ans Why do the wood from the trees being cut take two years to dry out but Christmas trees are a fire hazard because of how quickly they dry out? What gives? 173 views 2 Ans does steel heated with an electric current oxidise in a similar way to steel heated in a conventional forge? 143 views 3 Ans eli5 How do projectors work? 176 views 2 Ans Eli5: Can you become resistant to cold and hot weather at the same time? Or would a higher tolerance of one of the two automatically make your body more susceptible to the other? 139 views 5 Ans What does it mean by time slowing down at event horizon? 228 views 4 Ans What is space time fabric? 192 views 5 Ans How are the Xray machines at airports not super dangerous? 222 views 2 Ans Why do we use infrared light in infrared lamps to heat e.g. inflamed skin? Wouldn’t the complementary color of the skin tone be better because we know that the skin absorbs these wave lengths? 143 views 5 Ans eli5 Why do anti viruses flag illicit software as viruses even if there are none? 199 views 1 Ans What does Total Net Carbs* mean? 143 views 8 Ans eli5: Why do people who have major blood loss need transfusions? 286 views 7 Ans eli5 why can’t we just revive a cadaver with electricity? 266 views 3 Ans eli5-Are our Genes getting worse? 166 views 4 Ans ElI5: How does the weather change 20 degrees within one day? 187 views 6 Ans Why isn’t social media used as a primary source to cut costs during election campaigns? 234 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,643 2,644 2,645 2,646 2,647 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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