Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 4 Ans how can you tell whether you have low or high pain tolerance? 306 views 2 Ans How does infrasound affect humans? 413 views 11 Ans What is the difference between [person] and I, and me and [person]? 450 views 4 Ans Why does soda taste bad after 1 day, even when closed tightly and refrigerated? 275 views 4 Ans Why do we get goosebumps 279 views 26 Ans eli5: when a submarine exceeds its crush depth, and it’s crew is killed, what actually happens to them? Do they die instantly or are they squished flat? What happens ? 1.29K views 5 Ans if tumours on the pituitary gland can make people grow taller, why can’t medical science just stimulate this gland on dwarves and those with stunted growth as a form of correctional medicine? 247 views 7 Ans eli5: How do small spaces run out of oxygen and why can it be deadly? 374 views 1 Ans How does a particle accelerator work? 198 views 4 Ans Why can air be compressed but not water? 227 views 32 Ans What happens exactly when a sub like Oceangate’s Titan implodes? 1.26K views 4 Ans eli5: Why are some classes of products heavily branded while others arent? 235 views 2 Ans How does a pre-approval for an auto loan work? 242 views 2 Ans How do emotions change the way our decisions are made? 223 views 1 Ans Eli5: what are ESG scores, and how do they work? 221 views 8 Ans With the Internet speed become faster and faster, why does the online game ping/latency seemed stagnant? 315 views 5 Ans While Cell Phones were not popular tech, how were car phones able to be so seemingly widespread? What makes the differences in technology between the two? 226 views 4 Ans Eli5: why do slaps with a wet object (wet towel or hand )hurt worse than a dry object? (Dry Towel or hand) 219 views 2 Ans why can we eat egg yolks ‘raw’ but not chicken? 231 views 1 Ans Eli5: Makeup undertones 206 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,982 2,983 2,984 2,985 2,986 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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