Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 8 Ans Eli5: How does changing gears in cars enable them to travel faster compared to using the lower gears at the rpm? 396 views 1 Ans Why is Benzenesulfonic acid’s formula (C6H5SO3H) written like that? 201 views 3 Ans eli5 what color cards are in photography and what they do? 232 views 1 Ans Why is it that red LED lights appear darker/dimmer than other LED light settings? 182 views 2 Ans why is sugarcane juice more popular in third world countries than in first world countries? 245 views 2 Ans docker, kubernetes, ci/cd in the lifecycle of APIs 232 views 5 Ans eli5 what’s the difference between an asset and a liability ? 316 views 2 Ans On an airplane, if you are seated in an exit row, what exactly will you assisting the crew with during an evacuation? 240 views 2 Ans Does this scientific paper really depict photons circling in the Yin-Yang symbol? 237 views 3 Ans What options does Japan have for releasing radioactive wastewater? Is diluting it and releasing into the Pacific ocean the best option? 239 views 1 Ans (with brain science): why is it sometimes the case that people have more than 1 pattern for laughing? 195 views 2 Ans eli5- “inner” voice 285 views 1 Ans eli5: what do payment infrastructure companies do 231 views 1 Ans what Lemon8 is 270 views 3 Ans ‘track a basic EFT like SPY’ 265 views 3 Ans Eli5:The moon changing directions. I took a picture August 2, then August 20. I’m in central USA. The first pic, the moon was positioned Southeast, the second, southwest. How does it change so quickly? 256 views 21 Ans Eli5 what it means when a currency is said to be backed by gold 932 views 3 Ans Eli5: Why are most of the world’s fastest runners Black? 241 views 4 Ans How breathing works? And how is it so fast? 264 views 1 Ans What determines the effectiveness of a medication? 206 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,086 3,087 3,088 3,089 3,090 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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