: After we die, do our immune system and every cell inside our body die alongwith us or do they just stay there roaming inside us until we get decomposed?


: After we die, do our immune system and every cell inside our body die alongwith us or do they just stay there roaming inside us until we get decomposed?

In: 1180

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some are very energy hungry like your brain and heart and die within minutes.

Others have less demand and more food storage and can persist for hours, or even longer if it’s cold.

Once your heart stops all the oxygen and nutrition supply to the other cells stops too so they can only live off whatever they’ve kept stored.

Most of your cells don’t store much and have no way to get more, and so can’t survive on their own for very long.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They die one at a time when they run out of nutrients that sustain them. Some cells take longer than others. Fingernails keep growing after you’re dead.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of the cells in your body require oxygen delivery from your heart, so once your heart stops beating they won’t last long.

There are, however, lots of bacteria in your digestive system. They’re not technically human, but they do make up part of your body, and those can survive for a very long time after you’ve died.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not everything dies at once. That’s why organ donation works. The organs are still alive and can be used in another person if taken care of and quickly transplanted. Once we die, or bodies stop breathing and eating, so each individual cell will eventually die shortly after the body dies, but it varies greatly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“After we die” is a bit ambiguous. There are different ideas of when we are actually dead: maybe the heart stopped, maybe the brain stops normal brain stuff…

However, when we die the body shuts down in stages. Maybe the brain stops sending signals, then we stop breathing, and then heart stops. It’s not instant, and obviously not every cell in the body gets the message immediately. Cells are individual living things, after all, that work together to make a person. They keep chugging along doing there thing until they’ve run out of food and oxygen and can’t do it any more.

When the heart stops, blood stops pumping around. The blood carries oxygen and food to cells, and washes away waste from cells. Your bone marrow will keep making immune cells and antibodies for a bit, but without the blood moving about, they just sit there in the marrow or stranded where they were wen the blood stopped moving. An immune cell in contact with a virus might still eat it, but it’s not going to be washing about bumping into them (and viruses don’t move on their own).

Cells like nerve cells use gobs of energy and will burn through supply of oxygen and sugar really quick, so they’ll run out and die pretty quick. Stuff like skin cells will take longer. The cells that make hair and nails can live for a few days before they start to die off. Muscle cells tighten as they die and tighten some before they release, so deal people become rigid a few hours after death, and can even move.

Relaxation of the muscles that hold our bladders and bowels closed can cause the deceased to pee and poo.

In the gut, the cells lining the gut die of fairly quickly, and the bacteria there start eating away. They produce gases that bloat the abdomen over the next few days, and some can be expelled os posthumous farts. As bacteria begin to break down the lungs, gases expelled can sometimes be heard as moans and groans. The pressure from those processes also force fluids outward and the skin begins to separate in layers (after a few days).

Refrigerating the dead slows pretty much all of these processes, and the embalming done by funeral homes also stops them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is actually rather fascinating.

Apparently, if the immune cells are within the organism’s body when they die, they stop moving immediately and drop dead as well.

But if they are separated from the host, they can live out their usual lifespan as long as they have adequate resources.

Scientists think that the body sends some signal throughout the body when it dies, but aren’t sure what exactly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s actually what decomposition is! The two main modes of decomposition are called autolysis, which is when your cells simply begin to die and eat themselves, and putrefaction, which is when all the bacteria and other microscopic organisms that made up your internal ecosystem begin to eat your corpse. If you see a lot of corpses, you’ll even begin to notice that there is frequently bluish/greenish discoloration around the lower stomach area as a result of the concentration of organisms that live there rapidly eating their way through. (I used to do autopsies and death investigations)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Contrary to popular belief death is not instant. Let’s say you get hit in the head so hard your brain basically looks like a bowl of spaghetti. Obviously your brain is done for. What few parts of your brain that may be in tact enough or fully in tact will keep running for a few minutes but you’re dead, the vital systems that turn air water and food into energy are over which means what energy is in your cells at that moment is all they’ve got. As for your immune system specifically it won’t last long even compared to the relatively short shelf life of your longer living cells. Why won’t they last long? Great question! There’s 2 answers 1. They are very aggressive and that takes lots of energy 2. They’re designed to multiply fast this takes just about the most energy you can think of so naturally they’re gonna do what they’re programmed to do and burn through their small reserve in a minute and that’s a stretch

Anonymous 0 Comments

Haha! You need to read “peritonitis “ by Gene Wolfe . A fictionalized version of what happens, from a cell’s point of view.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This should be the answer.


There’s involuntary organ systems, voluntary organ systems, temperature (hot-blood) control, buoyancy of the spine, and such, that all eventually recede in about 14 days.