Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?


Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most people think about sugar and caffeine as the issues with energy drinks. Sodium is rarely considered. Excessive daily sodium intake is a problem even for people in good health.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of the negatives seem to be related to the sugar and calories. Acknowledging this early on, I switched to the Ultra Monster series. Zero sugar and I think around 10 calories in a can. What are the concerns about artificial sweeteners?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a coffee drinker, and when I compare the amount of coffee I drink daily (about 20 to 30 oz) there’s quite a bit less caffeine in energy drinks. In general, they’re fine unless you have a heart condition or something like that. I’m not familiar with all of the other things like taurine and guarana, though. Source: doctor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I hope not, I have two Monster Ultra Whites a day when I’m working. Only thing that helps keep me awake at a desk job for 11.5-hr days.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Does anyone even find them effective? I kind of assumed everyone was pretending but maybe not? Why do I feel exactly the same whether I drink one or not?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just assume that **everything** is bad for you unless consumed in moderation. Then your diet and habits will even themselves out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing I haven’t seen mentioned here is the acid that’s in most energy drinks. Sipping on a can of Monster during your shift is really bad for your teeth. If you need the boost, drink it quick(ish), and then get some water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Worked long ago in a supplement store. Other posters have mentioned it, but it absolutely true: not all drinks are created equal. Some are high sugar (bad), some are absurdly high caffeine (also bad). Sometimes, drinking them too frequently creates a diminishing return due to caffeines effect on your body and creating more of a crash and you end up just trying to remedy conventional caffeine withdrawal.

There are drinks that are better than others and moderation is key; if anything due to diminishing returns and withdrawal symptoms or too much caffeine too frequently. If I am remembering right, drinks like Xyience, Bang, Reign, and sugar free Red Bulls aren’t too bad and can have enough caffeine to be helpful.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t think drinking one sugar free energy drink with a bunch of vitamins in it daily would be terrible, but make sure to monitor your BP & heart rate every so often.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I love Monsters and Bangs. I drink 1-2 a day for the taste. Off topic: I’m curious though, coffee/energy drinks/caffeine straight up doesn’t affect me. I feel no difference afterwards and can literally go to bed directly after drinking one.

Other people say they get the jitters and all hyper and stuff but I’m over here drinking it for the taste and wondering why it doesn’t actually give me “energy” or keep me awake


Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most people think about sugar and caffeine as the issues with energy drinks. Sodium is rarely considered. Excessive daily sodium intake is a problem even for people in good health.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of the negatives seem to be related to the sugar and calories. Acknowledging this early on, I switched to the Ultra Monster series. Zero sugar and I think around 10 calories in a can. What are the concerns about artificial sweeteners?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a coffee drinker, and when I compare the amount of coffee I drink daily (about 20 to 30 oz) there’s quite a bit less caffeine in energy drinks. In general, they’re fine unless you have a heart condition or something like that. I’m not familiar with all of the other things like taurine and guarana, though. Source: doctor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I hope not, I have two Monster Ultra Whites a day when I’m working. Only thing that helps keep me awake at a desk job for 11.5-hr days.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Does anyone even find them effective? I kind of assumed everyone was pretending but maybe not? Why do I feel exactly the same whether I drink one or not?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just assume that **everything** is bad for you unless consumed in moderation. Then your diet and habits will even themselves out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing I haven’t seen mentioned here is the acid that’s in most energy drinks. Sipping on a can of Monster during your shift is really bad for your teeth. If you need the boost, drink it quick(ish), and then get some water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Worked long ago in a supplement store. Other posters have mentioned it, but it absolutely true: not all drinks are created equal. Some are high sugar (bad), some are absurdly high caffeine (also bad). Sometimes, drinking them too frequently creates a diminishing return due to caffeines effect on your body and creating more of a crash and you end up just trying to remedy conventional caffeine withdrawal.

There are drinks that are better than others and moderation is key; if anything due to diminishing returns and withdrawal symptoms or too much caffeine too frequently. If I am remembering right, drinks like Xyience, Bang, Reign, and sugar free Red Bulls aren’t too bad and can have enough caffeine to be helpful.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t think drinking one sugar free energy drink with a bunch of vitamins in it daily would be terrible, but make sure to monitor your BP & heart rate every so often.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I love Monsters and Bangs. I drink 1-2 a day for the taste. Off topic: I’m curious though, coffee/energy drinks/caffeine straight up doesn’t affect me. I feel no difference afterwards and can literally go to bed directly after drinking one.

Other people say they get the jitters and all hyper and stuff but I’m over here drinking it for the taste and wondering why it doesn’t actually give me “energy” or keep me awake