can every sound be considered as a remix of a sine wave? why?


can every sound be considered as a remix of a sine wave? why?

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4 Answers

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All pure sound waves are sine waves. By “pure” I mean single frequency, eg A-440Hz tuning fork. But no sound in daily life is made up of a single frequency. It is composed of several frequencies all with their own separate sine waves, but your ear hears it all together, all of the sine waves are added up. This summation doesnt even look like a sine wave at all because of all the different amplitudes and frequencies, but with something called a Fourier transform you can decompose this complex wave into all the individual single frequency waves that make it up.

Try it yourself. Graph Asin(Bx)+Csin(Dx)+Esin(Fx)…. for like 10 terms. The final wave looks super jagged and doesnt even look periodic at first glance. But its still made up of distinct perfectly periodic sine waves. Same thing happens with real life sound waves.

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