Difference between Offer capacity of 100MW and 100000 MWH energy output


I got a energy generation question.

if a plant has an Energy output of 100,000MWh what does it mean if it has an Offer Capacity of 100MW?

seeing it in a case study and was confused.

I am not sure what offer capacity is when i know that 100,000MWH is the output and something like a powerplant of 100MW would produce 100MWh not 100,000MWh

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, for a start, MWH and MW are measuring different things. A Megawatt-HOUR is a measure of energy: you can, in principle, put so many MWH into a (big) battery and sell it to someone for them to use until it runs out.
A Megawatt is a measure of POWER, how fast energy can be generated/transferred/used.

I may be wrong, but to denote a power-station as so many Megawatt-Hours makes no sense, unless you’re referring to the amount of energy it’s expected to provide over its lifetime.

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I got a energy generation question.

if a plant has an Energy output of 100,000MWh what does it mean if it has an Offer Capacity of 100MW?

seeing it in a case study and was confused.

I am not sure what offer capacity is when i know that 100,000MWH is the output and something like a powerplant of 100MW would produce 100MWh not 100,000MWh

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, for a start, MWH and MW are measuring different things. A Megawatt-HOUR is a measure of energy: you can, in principle, put so many MWH into a (big) battery and sell it to someone for them to use until it runs out.
A Megawatt is a measure of POWER, how fast energy can be generated/transferred/used.

I may be wrong, but to denote a power-station as so many Megawatt-Hours makes no sense, unless you’re referring to the amount of energy it’s expected to provide over its lifetime.

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