eli5 anabolic steroids


Alright. So I am familiar with testosterone therapy, which someone could use if they are low on testosterone. First question, if someone has normal testosterone in range, there is no value in testosterone right?

Next, what the heck is SARMs and all the other steroids out there? How do people get them in the US when they are illegal? Are they things there are valid reasons to prescribe and people just use them in an unintended way?

I’m curious, not trying to use these myself. Would love explanations on what’s out there, what is and isn’t risky that people are using, and how they get them?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You clearly want to use anabolic steroids.

I recommend a consultation with your doctor and a recommended endocrinologist to go over the safest way to do what you’re trying to do.

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