eli5 how do ejaculations feel good?


the question’s pretty straightforward. i heard orgasms being described as like a drug but if its a burst of seratonin in the brain why is it that the pleasure always comes from the groin area not the whole body?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

An orgasm is a full spectrum Force feeding of every good brain chemical you have at your disposal. Mood elevators antidepressants painkillers you name it but it’s all at once like a shotgun. And another reason why it so intense is the contrast compared to the way you feel when you are trying to have that orgasm because you have stressful aggressive fight or flight hormones raging through your bloodstream and this is why they tell a boxer not to have sex right before about he will try to do a cream puff the same way a guy rolls over and goes to sleep and doesn’t even bother cuddling. They want that boxer to be blue balled and pissed off and if you didn’t have that orgasm you would feel just like that boxer and you don’t know it at the time because you were escalating but when that orgasm happens it instantly neutralizes all those aggressive I got to spread my seed hormones because you go totally primal when that happens it is a big part of why some people commit rape because they don’t have any control over there impulses. So the difference between wanting to have an orgasm and having an orgasm is immense. And those chemicals just flood your brain and that’s what you feel it everywhere it’s so much that everything feels good any pain you have will temporarily dissipate anything that’s bothering you beforehand is gone. Basically when you will try to have that orgasm you have a temporary chemical imbalance and the orgasmic Rush of the endorphins instantly shuts that down

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