eli5 how do ejaculations feel good?


the question’s pretty straightforward. i heard orgasms being described as like a drug but if its a burst of seratonin in the brain why is it that the pleasure always comes from the groin area not the whole body?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pleasure and pain are just illusions caused by the brain. Things feel good because your brain makes it feel good.

Eating, sleeping, f…reproducing. They’re all good for you, so your brain rewards you for doing them by giving you pleasure. Stick your hand on a hot oven, and that’s bad for you, so your brain punishes you by giving you pain. That way you’re encouraged to only do what’s good for you.

But as I said, these are illusions caused by the brain. You can trick the brain. If you hypnotise someone, you can make them not feel anything, or feel things they shouldn’t, up to and including having orgasms on command. It’s all just your brain making you experience things.

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