eli5 how do ejaculations feel good?


the question’s pretty straightforward. i heard orgasms being described as like a drug but if its a burst of seratonin in the brain why is it that the pleasure always comes from the groin area not the whole body?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, for one, women often have full body orgasms. So, as guys, we got a bit shafted (the irony). But, for any sensation, no matter where it come from, it is ultimately the brain that “feels” it, even if it only feels like it’s in one place. But in addition to feeling that good sensation, a bunch of pathways are set off in the brain in response to an orgasm. This includes “reward” pathways. This makes you want to do the same thing again in the future, so your brain can get that “reward”. Unfortunately, drugs can do the same thing, making your brain want to chase the ‘reward’ of doing the drug again.

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