eli5 how do martial arts work


How do you do know when to do the moves? Is it once the opponent does the move too or something

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7 Answers

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When you practice something over and over and over again, and this applies to pretty much anything else you do, it becomes muscle memory and you react with what you know.

Since you’re in Karate, then you practice forms. Those forms have been created for combat (or at least they used to many many many years ago. Nowadays, some forms are more for show than functional).

So for example, let’s say in a form, there are moves that are meant to deflect a punch to the face, and then do a counter strike to the mid body. Lets say you practice this move 5 hours every day, for years. Well, the theory is that now if someone ever throws a face punch at you, you’re going to just react to it and counter.

I say “in theory”, because that’s the premise behind Martial Arts. But you also need a lot of practice in actual combat to truly apply the moves you learned. Sparring will only go so far, but is better than nothing if that’s all someone has access to.

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