Eli5 is the independent variable independent because it cannot change?


Eli5 is the independent variable independent because it cannot change?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I understand you question, I also had trouble with that terminology. It turns out it’s actually quite simple:

The dependent variable (y) is the value that “depends”, meaning it’s the value you can only obtain once you know the value on which it depends (x). We know that’s not entirely true, because on academic exercises your are asked to find either value knowing the other, and some “hipothetic” scenarios.

But, predictions aside, independent variable (x) is the value you put in “the machine” (you could “pick a number” freely) and the dependent variable (y) is the value that “the machine” gives your in return (a non negotiable number, or set of numbers, you can’t choose)

Of course, in a lot of cases this depends on how you phrased the question your function/graph is describing, it’s not set in stone.

I could give you gladly some examples if you want (just trying to keep this reply short)

Edit: answering your question (sorry for the ramp), independent variable is, actually, the opposite. Is the value you can choose freely. Dependent variable is the value you can’t change once you have set the independent value.

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