eli5 Music Key


I often see musicians say something like performing in the key of G. Since they use many different notes while performing, what does this really mean?.

In: Other

5 Answers

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There are 12 notes, at least in western style. Each note is considered a half step apart. In a scale key, when a half is “skipped” it’s called a whole step. Let’s look at C, the easiest one.

>C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C

There is no E#, neither is there a B#. Now let’s look at B.

>B, C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A#, B

See all those sharps (#)? Since B is just a half step from C, the rest of the notes will also be a half step down. When you play a note that isn’t in the scale, it’s called an Accidental. So for the key of B, if you play an F, that’s an accidental. It normally sounds off but it can make a certain tune very good depending on how it’s used.

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