eli5: What does decisive victory mean?


Trying to summarize an action scene in a web series I ~~plan on~~ want to make, but Im not exactly sure if “decisive victory” will fit. I tried looking it u, but the definition left me with more questions than answers.

Thanks in advance

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A decisive victory is the event that makes someone say whether one side won or lost.

It depends on the scope and context of the event and conflict being looked at.

Imagkne you’re a soldier trying to take a hill with your squad. To you, a decisive victory is making it out alive. To your squad leader, it’s taking the hill. To the general, it’s taking the hill at acceptable losses.

Your squad might take the hill (a decisive victory in the sense that the hill is yours), but it took too long or cost an airstrike or you lost too many troops — so in the context of the larger battle, it didn’t change the equation much.

Or your squad might take the hill and cause a snowball effect that results in the conflict resolving — like maybe the hill was the perfect landing zone for more troops, or a great spot to snipe the enemy general, or whatever. In that case, taking the hill is a decisive victory for the squad, and for the larger conflict, even if the larger conflict is still going.

A decisive victory is one that an external observer could look at and say, “this victory is the one that decides the winner”. But it only decides the winner for a certain scope or context — a thousand small decisive victories could be meaningless on a larger scale.

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