Eli5: What exactly does a vasectomy do?


I know it makes it’s so you can’t have kids, but how exactly? Like does the spirm no longer have the ability to impregnate or…?

In: 1249

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They convince all sperms to major in art history so they become completely useless and irrelevant

Anonymous 0 Comments

They convince all sperms to major in art history so they become completely useless and irrelevant

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a squirt gun that has two reservoirs to squirt out. One reservoir has Sperm and the other has fluid. Normally when we press trigger the gun takes a little bit from each, mixes it up and squirts it out.

A vasectomy snips the connection from the sperm reservoir so when you pull a trigger only the lubricant comes out but no sperm. They just stay in the reservoir where they were created with no means to escape.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a squirt gun that has two reservoirs to squirt out. One reservoir has Sperm and the other has fluid. Normally when we press trigger the gun takes a little bit from each, mixes it up and squirts it out.

A vasectomy snips the connection from the sperm reservoir so when you pull a trigger only the lubricant comes out but no sperm. They just stay in the reservoir where they were created with no means to escape.

Anonymous 0 Comments

♪ A vasectomy’s a medical procedure ♪
♪ One that makes you half a man ♪
♪ You’re half a man ♪
♪ Remember when you twisted up your garden hose ♪
♪ Well, essentially, that is the plan ♪
♪ That is the plan ♪
♪ You make a small incision in the scrotal skin ♪
♪ Isolate the vas and then, isolate the vas and then♪
♪ You hold it in position with a towel clamp ♪
♪ Then you snip the fibrous tissue ♪
♪ Then you snip the fibrous tissue ♪
♪ Hey but you’ll never have to wear a condom ♪
♪ When you do it with your wife ♪
(Covering Lois’ ears)
♪ …or anyone else you do it with. We promise not to tell, like that new hot chick at work. You know, the one who always has high beams under her ribbed-white cotton T-shirt, but then stares daggers at you for checking her out, and it’s like, why do you wear that if you don’t want attention? But you know you shouldn’t think that way because of the sexual harassment meeting you all had to go to. Seriously, how lame was that? And you couldn’t help but notice that the female lawyer running the seminar had a huge rack, like, ridiculously huge for someone who has to talk about that kind of stuff. Well, I guess that’s the definition of the word… ♪
♪ I-ron-y ♪
♪ Goodbye ♪
♪ Say goodbye to manhood ♪
♪ Goodbye ♪
♪ Say goodbye to babies ♪
♪ Goodbye ♪
♪ Say goodbye to kids like Meg ♪
♪ Vacuum out your sack ♪

Anonymous 0 Comments

♪ A vasectomy’s a medical procedure ♪
♪ One that makes you half a man ♪
♪ You’re half a man ♪
♪ Remember when you twisted up your garden hose ♪
♪ Well, essentially, that is the plan ♪
♪ That is the plan ♪
♪ You make a small incision in the scrotal skin ♪
♪ Isolate the vas and then, isolate the vas and then♪
♪ You hold it in position with a towel clamp ♪
♪ Then you snip the fibrous tissue ♪
♪ Then you snip the fibrous tissue ♪
♪ Hey but you’ll never have to wear a condom ♪
♪ When you do it with your wife ♪
(Covering Lois’ ears)
♪ …or anyone else you do it with. We promise not to tell, like that new hot chick at work. You know, the one who always has high beams under her ribbed-white cotton T-shirt, but then stares daggers at you for checking her out, and it’s like, why do you wear that if you don’t want attention? But you know you shouldn’t think that way because of the sexual harassment meeting you all had to go to. Seriously, how lame was that? And you couldn’t help but notice that the female lawyer running the seminar had a huge rack, like, ridiculously huge for someone who has to talk about that kind of stuff. Well, I guess that’s the definition of the word… ♪
♪ I-ron-y ♪
♪ Goodbye ♪
♪ Say goodbye to manhood ♪
♪ Goodbye ♪
♪ Say goodbye to babies ♪
♪ Goodbye ♪
♪ Say goodbye to kids like Meg ♪
♪ Vacuum out your sack ♪

Anonymous 0 Comments

This was a very googleable question, why ask reddit?

Anonymous 0 Comments

This was a very googleable question, why ask reddit?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Does it prevent or affect orgasm?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Does it prevent or affect orgasm?