Eli5 what is stimming and why are there so many videos of people acting as if they have multiple personality disorder?


I just genuinely don’t get where this trend came from and what these people are tying to achieve from it? I mean artistic expression is great! But so these people actually believe that they have multiple personalities, and if so do the act the same way when they go out into society?

I’m just so..so confused..

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

others have answered about stimming so I’m going to talk about multiple personalities. I have not seen whatever videos you’re talking about but I can tell you my experiences with DDNOS (type of “multiple personality disorder”)

>so these people actually believe that they have multiple personalities

I believe that I have what other people would describe as “multiple personalities” yeah

I know this whole thing is because my brain decided to say “this part of me isn’t me anymore” instead of dealing with certain experiences, and therefore that the other people are “me” in that sense

but I also know that, in terms of how we experience things, we are different people. we have different ways of thinking of things, different memories, different motivations. and in that sense, they are very much *not* me

so like, it kind of doesn’t matter whether they’re technically “parts of me” or not – the effect is the same

>do the act the same way when they go out into society?

I (we) try very hard to hide this from almost everyone irl, and keep up the appearance of being one person (me). I’d just get called a liar or a crazy person. online is easier because I can just block people. anyway yeah we hide it by having the other ones pretend to be me. afaik the only thing about it that we can’t hide is the “forgetfulness” (person x doesn’t automatically know what person y said/did)

… unless this part of the question is about stimming? because some people stim in public, some don’t. generally if you’re stimming it’s for a reason (even if the reason is just “feel good”), I am pro- stimming in public

I have been awake for 26 hours so if any part of this doesn’t make sense pls feel free to ask

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