Eli5 where is the disconnect when you think you’re acting a certain way but it’s coming across to other people differently , negatively or positively.


Eli5 where is the disconnect when you think you’re acting a certain way but it’s coming across to other people differently , negatively or positively.

In: Other

3 Answers

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* You already know what vibe you are *intending* to give off, so your brain is going to pick up on the things that reinforce that idea.
* But your friends/co-workers etc don’t always know how you are trying to come off and so it’s not as obvious to them.
* A great example of this is you skill as a driver.
* Most people think they are great drivers and that there friends aren’t as good.
* Why?
* Because when *you’re* driving, you body subconsciously prepares for the actions you’re about to take like braking or turning the wheel, so when they happen you’re not surprised.
* But when you’re the passenger, you don’t have that subconscious awareness so you end up “feeling” things like braking and slight wheel movements more and you think your friend is a more aggressive driver than you are.

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