Eli5 why are combat units “ineffective” after taking 15% losses?


Eli5 why are combat units “ineffective” after taking 15% losses?

In: 1029

26 Answers

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Have you ever watched a movie where one guy gets shot and then they save him but it takes two to three guys to bring him to an aid station? That’s how you become combat ineffective. Let’s say you start with ten guys two get shot and are wounded you assign four guys to take care of those two shot and wounded people. Now your sitting at 4 people left that can fight. It gets worse and worse the more casualties you start pouring on. The more men down and out in an aid station means more men in the aid station. With that said that doesn’t mean you can’t still be effective at still doing your job you’re just going to be less effective and or will need to change tactics and if you can’t evolve and change tactics on the fly you’re going to be fucked.

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