Eli5: Why can my laptop play realistic games like Hitman 3 smoothly, but lags like hell with Minecraft shaders?


I use a lenovo legion 5

In: Technology

6 Answers

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Realistic games don’t look realistic because somebody just went and made the shaders simulate reality as realistically as possible. They look realistic because somebody has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars hiring programmers to make the game *look* as good as possible on limited hardware. Generally, this translates to a lot of effects that look more impressive than they are expensive to compute, aesthetic trade-offs, compensating for engine limitations with creative design, and so on. The studios doing this have years and years of experience in figuring out what *looks* good to humans. The goal isn’t to *be* realistic, it’s to *seem* realistic.

Somebody working on a Minecraft shader in their spare time is not going to be able to devote those amounts of resources. Most likely their shader will do something conceptually simple and do it without much fuss or optimization. The ones that look impressive are probably impressive because they’re actually computing impressive amounts of data, rather than doing something less impressive and trying to make it *seem* more impressive, which is what well-optimized video games do.

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